Welcome to our new pricing period

Determining what you pay for your water and sewerage services requires careful planning.

To help ensure our pricing for 2023-2028 is fair, we spoke with almost 20,000 people over six months - including customers in urban and rural areas, young people, older people, community groups, business customers, local councils and Traditional Owners.

An independent 32-member Community Panel also helped test whether our proposed pricing, investment plans and levels of service meet community expectations now, and in the future.

We're pleased to announce our Price Submission for 2023-2028 has been approved by the Essential Services Commission (ESC).

How our customers helped shape our Price Submission

We popped up. We videoed. We posted. We emailed. We were at town halls and community meetings. We ran panel sessions and Q&As.

In fact, our Price Submission 2023-2028 was informed by our biggest engagement program to date.

You can learn more about the process in the Community Draft and meet our Community Panel, and learn more about their recommendations, in the sections below.

You told us these things were most important

During the engagement process undertaken to shape our Price Submission 2023-2028, our customers told us these five things were most important to them. We'll be focusing on these key priorities as part of our plans for the next five years.
  • High quality water you can trust

    Safe, healthy drinking water. Fit-for-purpose water pressure. Good tasting water. High reliability.

  • Be easy to deal with

    Timely, proactive information about services, leaks and interruptions. The ability to interact with us when and where you want. eBilling and more self-help options.

  • Enhance the environment

    Protect the environment and our catchments. Preventative maintenance of sewers to reduce the number of spills. Reduced carbon emissions. Greater use of recycled water and stormwater. Education about water literacy.

  • Fair prices

    Stable prices that are fair for all. Support for customers experiencing vulnerability.

  • Help to make our region a better place to live

    Promote local employment. Be prepared for growth. Help create a liveable community with green spaces and recreational water access.

What happens next?

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    July 2022

    Release the Community Draft for review.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    August 2022

    Incorporate feedback.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    September 2022

    Submit the final Pricing Submission to the Victorian Essential Services Commission.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    March 2023

    Victorian Essential Services Commission will provide a draft decision pending further consultation with customers.

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    June 2023

    Victorian Essential Services Commission makes its determination and approves the Pricing Submission or requests changes.

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    1 July 2023

    New prices and service levels come into effect on 1 July 2023.

More about your feedback