Our customers and community members that are struggling to pay their bills or meet the costs of living are important people that we are committed to working with and supporting. We spoke with 18 customers who are in our support programs and held two workshops with support agencies. We are also members of a new Local Community Sector Network comprising of numerous support agencies from around the region.

Intergenerational debt

Shared concerns with how they are going to pay their bills now, and an increase in support will need to be considered when planning price increases. Price increases will lead to more customers requiring support to pay their bills.

Community contributions

Having quality green spaces available to customers who are struggling is essential to have a positive impact on the liveability of the region. Some customers may have poor living conditions and having a space available to enjoy is essential to their wellbeing.

Protecting against drought

Many customers attempt to save water in the home to keep costs down. Having a garden is the only indulgence for some customers, so water restrictions could lead to a decrease in wellbeing.

Supporting customers experiencing vulnerability

They value our existing programs and said that increasing awareness of what support is available and continuing to break down barriers is the next step in aiding people who need it most.

Post its in a workshop

Attendee insights