Coliban Water is a water corporation. Water is our greatest asset and an essential resource for the communities that we service. Current projects show that the region will have less water, while facing growing populations and changing consumer demand. Weather extremes associated with climate change threaten water infrastructure.

To make our water supply resilient to climate change, we must continue to innovate in the way we plan for, design and deliver water services. Our customers expect to be able to maintain community liveability during drought. It is crucial that we work with communities to manage water wisely to protect environmental and human health and important assets.

We can support residential and commercial customers to reduce carbon emissions and water use, and we can collaborate with other sectors for more effective mitigation and adaptation responses. Victorian water corporations are responsible for the largest proportion of Victorian Government carbon emissions.

In response, the Victorian Government has set clear expectations that water corporations reduce the carbon impact of water, achieving zero net emissions before 2050. Coliban Water is on track to achieve this milestone. Moving towards zero-net carbon will help Coliban Water increase energy security.

Energy prices are growing steadily and this puts pressure on water prices. Using our water resources to produce energy is a way to increase our energy security while reducing costs and carbon emissions

The outcomes of this strategy direction to achieve our 2030 vision will be:

  • Climate resilient water supplies that can maintain liveability during drought
  • Communities that collaborate to use water wisely
  • Infrastructure that can handle extremes of heat, flood, fire, storms and variable water quality
  • Aim to achieve zero carbon by 2030
  • Our services are supported by secure and renewable energy supply

The strategically important actions to achieve these outcomes are:

  1. Develop a 25 year climate adaptation plan for the whole business
  2. Educate and work with community to plan for climate resilience
  3. Develop a plan for supplementing Bendigo’s drinking water supply
  4. Improve existing supply networks and investigate new water supplies
  5. Drive operational energy reduction efficiency using internal and wider industry expertise
  6. Investigate and implement energy generation and peer to peer energy sharing opportunities
  7. Partner with community energy groups on water, energy and carbon initiatives
boy watering garden