As part of our Pricing Submission 2018 to the Essential Services Commission (ESC), we consulted broadly to determine what aspects of our performance matter the most to our customers.

Based on customer feedback, we developed 5 Customer Outcomes. These are:

1. We will supply high quality water you can trust

2. We will provide infrastructure and services to meet the needs of our customers now and into the future

3. We will reduce our environmental footprint and achieve a socially responsible, sustainable business for future generations

4. We will be open and transparent with customers about affordable pricing, service disruptions and repairs

5. We will support the liveability in the region

Customer outcomes performance report

In 2020/21, we are pleased that we have overall delivered service results in line with customer expectations. We will continue to look for opportunities to deliver strong results in line with our commitments in future years.

We have also made a decision not to reduce our debt by $4M per annum as originally stated in 2018. This commitment was one of the measures for Outcome 5 - We will support the liveability in the region.

A significant change in the investment required in our current assets has shifted our focus and we need to redirect these funds to make sure our infrastructure meets our compliance obligations and continues to provide reliable services for customers.

We engaged with a focus group of 21 customer representatives in June this year, and they agreed that it was an appropriate decision to make, and that we should borrow more money now to make sure our assets are up to date and meet current and future needs.

Do our customer outcomes reflect your expectations

Let us know what you think about the 5 customer outcomes and whether you believe they still reflect your expectations.