The Kyneton Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) treats wastewater from approximately 3,800 connections in Kyneton, Malmsbury, Trentham and Tylden – approximately 7,500 people (according to 2016 Australian Census Data).

The wastewater is collected via 13 pump stations and a sewer network comprising of 80 kilometres of gravity mains and 11 kilometres of rising mains. The sewer network also collects wastewater from the Kyneton industrial estate, which includes an abattoir and the livestock exchange.

In 2019, we began a $20 million upgrade to the WRP in Kyneton, which includes a new lagoon that provides the opportunity to release tertiary treated water to the Campaspe River when there are suitable river flows, in line with our EPA licence requirements.

This project is now complete, culminating with the Kyneton Recycled Water Irrigation Scheme.

Phase one began in October 2019.

Our works at our Kyneton Water Reclamation Plant will prevent the release of non-compliant water to the Campaspe River and improve its long term health.

Phase 1 works include:

  • Algae disruptor in Lagoon 4. The algae disruptor minimises algae build up on the surface of the water. Algae can reduce evaporation and prevent sunlight from treating the water.
  • Pilot filtration plant in Lagoon 4. We are trialling an additional filtration process to improve water quality.
  • Lagoon 1 partition and aerators in Lagoon 1. Aerators will enable oxygen to circulate and increase treatment capacity. The partition will increase the retention time to improve water quality.
  • Tanks and pipework Three 30 kilolitre tanks and pipework have been installed to supply Class B recycled water to Hardwick’s storage and irrigation development.

Watch our Phase 1 video here.

Phase 2 was announced in November 2019 and include:

  • Class C to Class B treatment plant. The plant is an additional treatment process for our trade waste stream to treat Class C water from Lagoon 4 to Class B for irrigation.
  • Two additional storage lagoons. Two additional storage of approximately 260 megalitres are being constructed and additional land for irrigation identified.

Watch our Phase 2 video here.

A $7.5 million recycled water pipeline has been constructed in Kyneton providing landholders and local businesses on the alignment an opportunity to access the recycled water for irrigation as the program develops.

Kyneton Recycled Water Irrigation Scheme

Find out about the final phase of the Kyneton Solutions Project. This $7.5m pipeline will deliver recycled water to local irrigation properties

Waterway health data

We are releasing waterway health data for the Campaspe River.

Map of Kyneton

Phase 1 & 2 of Kyneton Solutions Project

Kyneton lagoons double storage capacity