We are carrying out field investigations south of Kyneton to identify potential for a groundwater supply for Kyneton and Tylden.

Water is currently sourced from the Lauriston Reservoir.

A groundwater will provide an alternative source to manage any potential water quality risks and supplement the current supply in dry periods.

The need for a groundwater supply is an action from our Urban Water Strategy 2022, our 50-year plan to secure water for future generations.

It identifies the best mix of actions to provide water services now and into the future.

In developing the Strategy, we considered the impacts of population growth (increased demand for water), climate change (reduced water availability) and other risks over 50 years on our ability to supply water to our customers and treat wastewater for reuse.

We are carrying out a pumping test on our bore, located near the intersection of Tylden-Woodend Road and Central Road, Tylden.

The pumping test will be used to support our groundwater licence application and assess bore capacity, water quality and any impacts to surrounding groundwater users.

We started pumping on Monday 3 June 2024 and will continue until Tuesday 11 June 2024.

We have been granted a licence to drill and construct a bore the intersection of Carlsruhe Central Road and Carlsruhe Station Road. This work will be undertaken in the coming months and will allow us to test the bore yield and water quality.

We have also applied to Goulburn-Murray Water for a licence to take and use groundwater for urban supply from a bore at Tylden. As part of this application we will be undertaking testing confirm bore capacity, water quality and any impacts to surrounding groundwater users.

As our investigations continue, we are carrying out further drilling near Carlsruhe and Tylden.

The deep lead aquifer previously identified, which is at around 60 metres depth below basalt rock, is at the intersection of Carlsruhe Central Road and Carlsruhe Station Road. We would like to explore this further.

We have applied to Goulburn-Murray Water to drill an urban supply bore at this location, for further testing.

We are installing monitoring bores in the area so that we can assess groundwater resources and understand any pumping impacts.

We have also drilled a bore into a basalt aquifer near the intersection of Tylden-Woodend Road and Central Road that we would like to further investigate. We plan to apply to Goulburn-Murray Water for a licence to take and use groundwater.

Those living in the area may notice vehicles in the road reserve with drilling and rigging equipment. We expect these works to be complete in May 2023.

We will communicate directly with nearby landholders regarding future drilling.

We plan to undertake further investigations over the coming year to assess the potential of a deep lead aquifer as a source of supply.

Our groundwater investigation drilling program continued with observation bores drilled between Kyneton and Fern Hill.

A deep lead aquifer was intersected when drilling on Carlsruhe Central Rd.

We carried out bore investigations near Chanters Lane in Tylden to identify potential for a groundwater supply for Kyneton and Tylden.

The bores were drilled into the basalt aquifer to a depth of around 50 metres.

While the results at one site were promising in terms of potential flow rates, we plan to carry out further investigative drilling in the Kyneton and Tylden area in the next financial year, to see if we can achieve greater yields.

Initial research and investigation.

Learn more about our water supply systems