
Groundwater testing to begin

6 May 2021

We are conducting further pumping tests on groundwater bores at its Trentham Water Treatment Plant.

The tests will start on Tuesday 11 May 2021 and continue for around one week.

The tests will provide information on water quality and a sustainable pump rate.

The Coliban Urban Water Strategy 2017 identified a shortfall at Trentham of up to 122 megalitres by 2040.

In 2019, we obtained an additional licence volume of 55 megalitres per year.

Last year we installed additional bores at the water treatment plant to increase the flow rate and establish a groundwater monitoring network so we can measure any changes in groundwater level and quality over time.

This information will support our application to Goulburn-Murray Water, the groundwater manager of the region, to increase our licence volume by a further 62 megalitres per year.

For further information our Water Resources Manager Brendan Cossens on 1300 363 200.