What happened

An evacuation order was first issued in Echuca on October 15 for flooding on the Campaspe River.

On October 22 and hit a peak of 94.98 metres – the highest level since 1916.

Sewer services remained operational throughout the floods, while the Water Treatment Plant was struggling to keep up with demand to produce safe drinking water.

Flooding and wet conditions created issues with the quality of the raw water that is treated at our Water Treatment Plants prior to use.

Excess run-off meant higher than normal levels of leaf litter, organic content, chemicals, or even sewage when there is flooding, which washes into our rivers and reservoirs that feed our water supply.

Sink holes

Several sink holes developed throughout October 2022, including in Anstruther Street and Darling Street.

Our crews temporarily filled the holes to increase safety while an assessment was undertaken.

The holes were then permanently filled and GPR surveying completed to identify other possible sink holes in the area.

How we're building back better

Replacement pumps, motors and electrical cabinets have been procured or built.

We are investigating what is required to raise some electrical cabinets above 2022 peak flood levels.

map of echuca