We have built a new three-megalitre concrete tank and booster pump station at Sterry Road, Marong.

The town has experienced water pressure issues for some time, particularly during periods of hot weather when there is increased demand on the network.

We installed temporary tanks in 2019 to help manage water pressure until the commencement of this larger project.

This solution includes two pipelines to be constructed on Sterry Road to connect to the new tank and further pipeline improvements elsewhere in the network, which will benefit Marong.

The new concrete tank has been selected because of its high resilience to bushfire.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Tender awarded

    Tender awarded to Simpson Construction in April 2021

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Pre construction works

    Early works are underway, which includes the removal of temporary tanks that we installed in 2019 to help manage water pressure until the commencement of this larger project.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete


    Construction on the tank and booster pump station.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete


    The tanks have been filled and we are now testing everything before connecting it to the network. All going well this will happen December 2021.

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