Proposed planning scheme amendment C145MACR
Healthy waterways and catchments are vital to the supply of high-quality source water that can be treated to a drinking water standard, used for domestic and stock purposes, or provide benefit to the environment.
The impacts of climate change and population growth will have an increasingly significant impact on water supply catchments.
Coliban Water and North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) are committed to protecting and enhancing our open water supply catchments for the benefit of catchment communities, urban populations and the environment.
The proposed changes to ESO4 are being put forward as part of the AHCC program.The changes are being led by Coliban Water and are supported by Macedon Ranges Shire Council.The changes are similar to changes made to schedule 1 to clause 42.01 Environmental Significance Overlay of the Hepburn Planning Scheme that was gazetted on 10 February 2022.
- the existing schedule 4 to clause 42.01 Environmental Significance Overlay to the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme, known as ESO4; and
- the existing schedule to clause 66.04 Referral of Permit Applications under Local Provisions to the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme, known as schedule to clause 66.04.
ESO4 applies to the extent of the Eppalock Special Water Supply Catchment (SWSC) of the Macedon Ranges Shire.
- would not alter the land affected by ESO4;
- would increase the number of matters that are exempt from requiring planning permission;
- would ensure that the information required for planning permit applications within the Eppalock SWSC is relevant and sufficient to determine the potential impact on the Eppalock SWSC; and
- would ensure that the matters that would be considered when assessing planning permits within the Eppalock SWSC are appropriate to accurately determine any potential impacts on the Eppalock SWSC.
- create further exemptions for fences, buildings and works that do not have the potential to impact the health of Eppalock SWSC;
- provide transparency as to the information required for planning permit applications within the Eppalock SWSC;
- provide transparency as to the matters that will be considered when assessing planning permit applications within the Eppalock SWSC;
- ensure that all planning permit applications that have potential to impact the health of Eppalock SWSC would be referred to Coliban Water; and
- ensure that ESO4 is aligned with clauses 14.02-1S and 14.02-2S of the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme.
The proposed amendment is not expected to place significant impacts on landowners beyond that which is expected in developing land in an environmentally sensitive area.
We are confident that the proposed amendment will continue to ensure positive outcomes for the environment, urban populations and local communities, all of which rely on healthy waterways and sustainable land use within the Eppalock SWSC to deliver multiple benefits to the region.
Macedon Ranges Shire Council is the statutory authority coordinating the consultation process for this proposed planning amendment.
Submissions are now closed.
A Healthy Coliban Catchment
Find out more about the program driving this proposed planning amendment.

The green shaded area identifies the land affected by the proposed planning amendment.

This image demonstrates the ecosystem along the Coliban river, including the erosion and damage done by grazing on the left, and the revegetated and naturally regenerating riparian zone on the right.