Construction on a five kilometre trunk water main is now complete, connecting the growing suburbs of Epsom and Huntly.
The new water main is a key piece of infrastructure and will be one of the largest water supply pipeline projects installed in our region. The new water main will help boost water flows in the area.
Construction has involved a mix of open trench and pipeline boring works, and traffic management will be in place.
A number of cross-connections will branch off the new trunk main.
Update: Friday 9 February 2024
The new Epsom-Huntly pipeline has been operating well since its completion in December and has improved water flows and pressure in the area.
Recent hot weather has been the first major test of the pipeline’s capability – and our monitoring showed water pressure was generally three times better than in January last year during similar hot weather.
Demand for water increases during hot weather, with people using more water to drink, run their air conditioners, water their gardens, fill their pools, and generally stay cool.
Customers in this area who have had low pressure issues in the past should now be experiencing improved water pressure.
We encourage you to phone our Customer Support Team on 1300 363 200 if you continue to experience any water pressure issues.
Update: Wednesday 20 December 2023
The final three sections of the Epsom-Huntly pipeline have been switched on this week.
We expect the pipeline to be operating as intended and that customers shouldn't be experiencing low pressure.
If you are experiencing low pressure, we encourage you to report it to us on 1300 363 200 so we can investigate it.
Reinstatement works along Station Street will continue until mid-January.
We will send an SMS to those in the area in January, once all works are complete.
Update: Monday 11 December 2023
We remain on track to turn on the final three sections of the Epsom-Huntly pipeline this week, which will improve water pressure.
Your water remains safe to drink during this time. Some customers may continue to notice a slight discolouration in their water while this work is completed.
If you're experiencing this, please let us know by phoning our Customer Support Team on 1300 363 200.
Road reinstatement works along Station Street will continue until mid January.
Update: Thursday 7 December 2023
We’ve now turned on two sections of the new Epsom-Huntly pipeline, with three more to be switched on over the coming week.
This is already delivering improved water pressure, and we’re looking forward to completing the commissioning process.
Some customers have noticed a slight discolouration in their water while this work is completed. If you’re experiencing this, please let us know by phoning our Customer Support Team on 1300 363 200 and our crews can investigate.
We expect the commissioning process to be complete next week.
The water remains safe to drink at all times and meets all health-based aspects of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
Traffic management is in place while road reinstatement works take place along Station Street between Friday 8 December and Christmas. Minor traffic delays.
Update: November 2023
Pipeline commissioning works are underway.
We've been working behind the scenes to turn this new pipeline on as soon as we can. At the moment, we're planning final flushing and chlorination work as part of the process to complete commissioning. Once this is complete, we can turn the pipeline on.
Update: September 2023
We are close to the end of this project with the pipeline completely installed.
It will now be tested and commissioned before being turned on by the end of November.
The new five-kilometre pipeline will provide improve water pressure to more than 6200 homes
It is expected to serve the community for at least the next 25 years particularly in service areas around Epsom and Huntly where new residential estates are being established.
An estimated maximum flow rate of 91 litres per second will be available in the new pipeline with up to 4 megalitres per day is expected to be supplied to customers during periods of extreme heat.
Residents should notice better water pressure immediately, but the big difference will be noticeable in the summer months when water demand is higher.
We thank residents for their patience during the project.
Update: May 2023
Our contractors are completing the final stages of work on the Epsom-Huntly Pipeline.
Final works include some trenching and boring at Ironstone Rd, and connecting some smaller water mains to the new pipeline. We’re also finishing work at Station St and at the Howard/Station St intersection over the next few weeks.
You may also see our contractors carrying out final reinstatement works.
Following construction, we’ll test and commission the new pipeline in late July.
There may be some fluctuations in water pressure during this time as we flush the pipeline before use.
By mid-August, customers in Epsom and Huntly should notice an improvement in their water pressure.
The major difference will be noticed in the warmer months when demand for water is higher.