
Plant update - February 2025

13 February 2025

Noise update – After installing our new blower at the end of last year, we have ordered a second one to more fully support the Castlemaine Water Reclamation Plant’s treatment process.

We have completed noise testing are waiting for the results from a noise expert.

Maintenance works – We will be completing essential maintenance on two of the aeration tanks at the Castlemaine plant from 23 February for four weeks.

Nearby residents will see a crane and extra trucks on site and may notice more traffic in the area.

To do this we will empty two tanks, this will allow our team to access the bottom of the tank and repair pipework and replace air diffusers at the bottom of the tank.

Diffusers add small bubbles of air to the tank, which help the treatment process.

Your normal sewer services will not be affected. But people who live or work near the plant may notice some noise and odour during the works. We work to minimise this as much as possible and increase odour monitoring during works.

Works will take four weeks to complete. We encourage you to call us on 1300 363 200 to report odour. The more we receive these reports, the more we can build a picture of the areas of our plant that need the most urgent attention.

Other works – We are planning works on our solids train, which separates clearwater and sludge during the treatment process.

Our Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion system (ATADs) will undergo a routine inspection, while maintenance works will be completed on the Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) tank.

The DAF separates clearwater from sludge. That sludge is sent to the ATADs where it is turned into biosolids for agricultural reuse.

During January we completed the installation of security fencing at the site. This fencing will helps improve security and public safety at the site ahead of our planned upgrades in 2025 and beyond.

Our next update will be on Friday 7 March 2025.