
Odour mitigation works update

8 December 2023

We are progressing with a range of measures at our Castlemaine Water Reclamation Plant to address odour issues.

  • Works have started on the biofilter refurbishment, including replacement of the mulch in the biofilter beds, which is taking place over the next week. We have been improving the seals to reduce odorous air escaping and we have improved the water that is used to feed into the filtering process.
  • We have a temporary cover available and on standby to place over the biofilter beds in the event of rain, to reduce likelihood of micro-organisms being displaced (these help to treat the odour).
  • We’ve installed the second odour treatment unit (known as McBerns Unit). This is now operational, and pipework installation is complete.
  • The ‘misting system’ is now in place and that started operating yesterday. This will run for the next week to reduce odour in the short term.

Our medium term works are now underway, due for completion by Christmas. This includes permanent pipework to bypass the biofilter and extraction fan maintenance.

We continue to monitor odour at the plant. As always, please contact our Customer Support Operations Officer Ned Wurf on 1300 363 200 if you wish to report odour.