
January 19 update - odour works

19 January 2024

We continue to make odour improvements to our Castlemaine Water Reclamation Plant, and works have now started to recommission our second biofilter.

A contractor has been engaged to remove the old mulch used to assist with filtering before the refurbishment begins.

Our short-term works continue:

  • A solution to improve the efficiency of our biofilter beds remains on track to be completed by the end of this month.
  • Monitoring continues of biofilter beds.
  • New instruments to help us monitor and manage odour continue to be installed.

Our long-term actions are due for completion by the end of February.

Remember to report any odour concerns to us. You can do this through our online form at or via the phone, 1300 363 200. For urgent matters, we encourage you to phone us.

The more that we receive these reports, the more we can build a picture of the areas of our plant which need the most urgent attention.

Our next update will be in two weeks, on Friday 2 February.