
Plant update - 10 July

10 July 2024

Howard Street update

Work to upgrade our front gate at the plant is near completion.

On Friday 12 July we will reopen our usual main entrance and close the temporary entrance, opposite Bowles Road. Speed restrictions in place along Howard Street, near Bowles Road, will be removed.

Odour update

Work to reduce odour at our plant is ongoing.

Refurbishment works have started on the first of our two biofilters and will continue for several weeks. Works to raise the biofilters are on hold at present.

Upcoming works

In the next few months, a major refurbishment of our existing solids handling system is planned, improving our plant’s reliability.

You can learn more about how we manage odour at the Bendigo Water Reclamation Plant, and how the plant operates, here.

We encourage you to call us on 1300 363 200 to report odour. The more that we receive these reports, the more we can build a picture of the areas of our plant which need the most urgent attention.

Our next update will be on Monday 2 August 2024.